"What you're about to witness is my thoughts/ Right or wrong/ Just what I was feelin at the time/ You ever felt like this/ Vibe with me" - Jay Z, Ruler's Back
Saturday, December 27, 2008
2 words: deep dish
however now i'm a bit irritable b/c after seeing adam richman do a challenge in chicago & watching the ever so luscious deep dish pizza i wanted some...with anchovies & extra cheese. But curses, my plans to attain this tasty treat have failed!
why does domino's, pizza hut & uno close sooooo early??? guess i'll just slepp it off :(
in other news just finished the super entertaining squee's wonderful big giant book of unspeakable horrors (by jhonen vasquez) per smoe's insistence...onto second book now: american lion. next must read outliers per smoe's folks christmas gift for us...
Monday, December 15, 2008
duuuuuuuuck!....flying shoes at bush
he screams "this is a farewell kiss you dawg" before throwing the pair... why shoes? b/c apparently the sole of the shoe is considered an insult in arab culture.
please note pm al maliki offers his right hand to block the 2nd shoe...a brave brave man! :)
the video: when the shoes hit the fan
song o the day: still will (50 feat akon) ... heard this song over the weekend & its in my head now.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
go red knight!!!!
ended the nite by surprising smoe with a pre-birthday get together with his friends at a very unlikely place (hee hee)...
just mistakenly found this video featuring clipart & its very amusing. reminds me of the days my brother & i used to make flip books: check it out here (only a minute)
lastly, very pleased with myself for doing well in the jingle all the way 10k, it started off very rough, but had a strong finish. plus, there were a lot of fun folks, elves & santas out this am to help me keep my mind off of the cold.
song o the day: jolene (dolly) ... think her slow soulful songs are better than her faster-folksy ones. another good version of this song is (surprisingly) by the white stripes
Saturday, December 13, 2008
i'm baaaaaaaaaack...
so i'm finally back on track & back to blogging about randomness. life's been good: working very hard, just got back from ft lauderdale (glad to have a job after the staggering unemployment rates); smoe is still dating me (poor boy doesn't know what he's in for); friends & fam bam are all well.
excited b/c i have a busy day before me: going to see the nutcracker at the warner theater, then off to medieval times (vegetarian menu for me, no huge turkey legs)
song o the day: it's been a long time (rakim)... a great song. my eldest brother would be proud of this pick.
Friday, October 17, 2008
let the games begin, oh, i mean festivities!

we went to mccxxiii (1223) for the fashion show after party last nite... met my friends in the super long line (apparently they were there for almost an hour), went in & realized there were more folks in line than in the actual place (hate when places do that so it can look like it's the place to be)... everyone was on the 3rd floor & ended up running into some folks i knew. coolest part is that i knew the dj (he was my year at hu). it's cool to see someone doing well & achieving their dream...
next stop on the partay train is loooooooooooooooooooooooooove!!!!!!!!!!! (can you hear the faint "chu chu" in the distance)? ha, i crack myself up!
election coverage-
don't really feel like talking about last debate b/c everyone's torn it apart & the subject feels a bit hackneyed now... plus though it's my blog i like staying neutral on most topics.
with this said, i burst out laughing when smoe said it looks like obama's been, smoking everything under the sun b/c of the color of his lips. i loved mccain's antics (body language, smirk, sly remarks)... i'm sure this was 1 of the most popular pics on the web yesterday & me likey so i had to include it:

and now it's time for his

was sent the following video this am & it's amazing that some people believe barack is an arab & did being arab become a kiss of death after sept 11, or has it always been like that?? i personally like arabs. i was telling someone every other time some news channel is reporting on a bomb or suicide attack & there's a group of mugshots i often think 1 of the guys is cute... think whoever i was talking to called me "sick" or agreed, cant remember :)
in other news-
also, as bbc is 1 of my 5 homepages that pops up when i get on the internet, i saw a super interesting story. it was all about peter norman. he's the other guy that was on the olympics award podium when tommie smith and john carlos threw up the black power fist... (b/c bbc is amazing) in addition to having eye opening stories such as that, they also have really essential news such as "the leggy blonde" being pregnant w/ a calf turns out it not about a hot chic & bestiality, but the 1st asian pachyderm (hence leggy) to be artificially inseminated (hence preggers); it also has tufts of blonde hair (hence blonde)!
new word-
learned it after eading the comments section on the peter norman storyquotes
(n.) chuff- A rude, insensitive person; a boor; (adj.) chuffed- very pleased; "I'm chuffed to have won"
learned a new word yesterday too: septuagenarian (a person who is 70 years old or between the ages of 70 & 80)... yeaa for learning! too bad i feel like my spelling is getting worse b/c there are systems to finish my texts & spell check & abbreviations, o well...
songs o the day:
i can't go for that (no can do) & maneater (both hall & oates)...so soulful. they always look like they have so much fun, plus no matter your musical tastes you can't fake on Daryl Hall (the blonde, who's aged quite well) & John Oates (dark hair & porn mustache)!! 1 of my fav duos ever
Thursday, October 16, 2008
the b-e-s-t!
why you ask?? b/c on our way to metro this am he saw an ant. (big whoop, right?) but b/c he loves ants he was super excited & like "oh, this is a queen ant"..."wow, she's tearing off her wings b/c she's about to make a nest"! so we eventually get to metro & he sets her free so she can plant all her babies next to a tree :) the best right??...
ok, after rereading the above text, re-realized i'm a dork so maybe other women wouldn't find that as amazing as i do?!... guess that's a good thing though bc it means he's mine, all mine (hee hee hee)! wish i could give him the same assurance, but some guys are so disrespectful. almost every time we're out there's some guy who blatantly ignores him & tries to talk to me or asks who he is :(
in other news yesterday while tweeting (fav thing in the world) i came across a group called

song o the day:
my boyfriend's back (angels)... for some reason that song reminds me of the monster mash (bobby 'boris' pickett & the cryptkickers)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
equatorial guinea!!!!!!
so yesterday evening went to a reception honoring the independence of equatorial guinea from spain (oct 12, 1968). a friend of mine who works in the embassy invited me, & i'm glad he did! had the chance to bashfully say "hi, nice to meet" to ambassador (Purification Angue Ondo)... per my friend's translations she asked me if i spoke spanish & if i ate meat. the latter question caught me off guard, but my friend & i agreed she wasn't callin me fat, just asking if i ate meat b/c she actually cooked all of the food that was being served at the reception! what ambassador does that?? what a woman!
i also saw the ambassador of angola (Josefina Pitra Diakité)... didn't say hi, but from what i could tell she was very happy & her hair was dope! it was like twisted & pinned up in an intricate way...
i did, however, speak with the ambassador of equatorial guinea's massage therapist!!! apparently he's kind of a big deal & has high calibre clients (i.e. 1 day some lawyer ) he's from Côte d'Ivoire & was telling me about his experience going back to his country after a decade & seeing how much it's changed (not necessarily for the good)... after talking to him for a bit longer he offered me a free/trial body massage- score! i looooooooooooooooooove getting massages so should be great! (when i told smoe about my latest & greatest appointment he made a face)...
lastly, so my throat has been sketchy all week, but after tasting the homemade ginger beer (literally homemade like in recycles water bottles) it burned so much that my throat felt all better!
we were on a rooftop on constitution ave on a very clear, still nite & had an gorgeous view of downtown dc, took a (touristy) pic w/ the capital in the backdrop. me & this lady from the state department were talking about how we had to wait until the crowd dwindled b/c it's just distasteful to take such a pics on the roof!
in conclusion i've always had an affinity for the middle east, but the past year or 2 i've been checkin out the lovely countries of the motherland... especially uganda & ghana (only b/c my roomies' people are from there)...
song o the day
home is where the hatred is (gil scott heron)... this song is so great, he's great & i feel like this has been a song o the day before. oh, well
Monday, October 13, 2008
it's the most wonderful time of the year....
b/c it's (the real) hu's homecoming, silly :) i wasn't that excited b/c i'm getting old & i know i'm going to end up spending a lot of money, but i get to see all the pretty bison faces i haven't seen in a while so it's all worth it... friday plans are confirmed so it should be a whopper of a weekend...
in other news, at smoe's house waiting for him to clean dishes so i can sleep. just finished watching harold & kumar go to white castle which is actually much funnier than i thought it would be... best part was when kumar day dreams about marrying a bag of weed, then next scene cuts to this guy they call jackson being racially profiled though he's already in jail, sitting & reading a book... ok guess you'd have to see it to understand...
another great part is when they're in a car & they play wilson phillips' hold on instantly got flashbacks to childhood b/c my brother's used to play that song at least twice a day!!! good times had by all on whichever army base we were residing at the time:)
happy 50th bday paddington bear!
not only is paddington cute, cuddly & courteous, but he taught me what marmalade was... he loves marmalade sandwiches as much as pooh loves honey- such greedy little bears... ok off to lunch!
weekend in review...
sat-my rambunctious lil cousin came over in the afternoon! ok, she's 20 but she'll always be my lil cousin, plus we're always loud & giggly when we get together (with a sprinkle of rudeness & a splash of disrespect for anyone in our path we don't know). we went to bmore to the blacks in wax (BLACKS, BLACKS, BLACKS, BLACKS..IN.......WAAAAAAAAAX), inside joke, as we're always singing or making up songs about a person, place or situation. the museum was really cool & think all kids in dmv should make a trip there it just needs to be updated (i.e. kwesi is no long pres/ceo of naacp). it was also very very very stuffy... prob why my throat is scratchy today.
next we went to a spot call the crackpot. name? sucks. food? grrreat! after that i drowsily drove home. she took a nap, i returned some calls then we were off again as i took her to love... though it was 18 & up these kids were def dressed to impress. me? no. partially b/c i didn't really feel like going & partially b/c didn't wanna waste an outfit :) all in all good day/nite felt accomplished, except for the fact that i forgot to get my dry cleaning...
sun- shrinking violet came into town again. so ofcourse the ritual was thrifting. to further acclimate her w/ black people smoe & 1 of my girl's came (ok, ok, so smoe wanted to hang out /w us anyway & my friend's been trying to look for vintage stuff for months, so it was a good opportunity to kill a lot of birds w/ 1 stone)- random, but that's quite a graphic expression!
guess when i go to the cleaners for a pickup, i'll drop off my new stuff- an endless vicious cycle :)
song o the day:
oye como va (carlos santana) ... think this is before he started designing shoes :)
also, it's the most wonderful time of the year (andy williams) ... i'll explain in next post (tee hee)
Friday, October 10, 2008
do it yourself suicide workshop & online shopping?

Thursday, October 9, 2008
d-o-m-o... domo!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
bobby (dis)may

"Obama would hire the rapper Ludacris to paint the White House black”
"Democrat's administration would divert more foreign aid to Africa so the Obama family there can skim enough to allow them to free their goats and live the American Dream"May also joked that Obama would replace the 50 stars on the U.S. flag "with a star and crescent logo," an Islamic symbol, and that his policy on drugs would be to "raise taxes to pay for Obama's inner-city political base."
"Mandatory Black Liberation Theology classes taught in all churches - raise taxes to pay for this mandate. Put Rev. Jeremiah Wright in charge...."
"Appoint Rev. Al Sharpton as Secretary of State, Jesse Jackson as UN Representative, and let Bill Clinton handle all other "foreign relations" ... As long as Hillary doesn't find out...!"
read full article here; kinda hard to see, but worth it...
why are ludacris & 50 cent (also referrenced in editorial) always pegged as examples as the epitome of all things bad in rap?? think it was pepsi who dropped luda bc they said he had a "gangsta rap" image (from what i've heard he's a nice kid), then turn around & hire the osbournes for the same campaign? the osbournes are no brady's (do they have a foundation to help people b/c luda does).
on another note, let's say 2 guys do the same act on the same day w/in the same span of a couple of hours. both are arrested, but a grand jury voted to indict 1 on 3 counts, and a different grand jury voted to dismiss all criminal charges against the other b/c he was deemed a professional stunt man... sketchy huh? & these are the realities conspiracy theorist thrive in! but seriously folks, over the summer 2 men scaled the times building, reaching the roof before being arrested. The first was Alain Robert, a 45-year-old French stuntman known for climbing tall buildings; the second was Renaldo Clarke, 32, of Brooklyn, who said he wanted to draw attention to the problem of malaria... the latter was indicted... oh the disparities live on.
(don't judge me) but was watching newt on hannity & colmes (which happens like every other day) & the hosts got off on a tangent, and alan asks sean what he would do if a fam member came to him confessing they're a liberal, sean replied, "i'll lay hands & hannatize them!" now greta van susteren's on interviewing palin (who advised her to let her hair down?), b/c both of their voices are annoying i'm finding it hard to concentrate. greta just seriously jumped from title 9, basketball to bill ayers to rev wright. she took "a pass" on rev wright question & said she'd "let john handle that one". are vps the only folks privy to these passes when they dont wanna answer hard questions?.. next up, an interview w/ laura bush. should be interesting!
ps- when/why did cindi mccain get some fire in the belly?? doggoneit, betcha that barracuda is rubbing off on the heiress, rise above it cindi, your husband calls you names, but don't let em bring you into the mud slinging...
ne me quitte pas

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
army 10-miler recap
but earlier we were at my mom's friend's house, then i dropped them off at the hotel where smoe met us. by the time smoe & i got back to my apt i was tired & told him to wake me up in 30min so i could take a nap (bad idea)... i woke up at 1am, then 3am, then 5:22am , then 6:12 (originally told my dad i'd meet him at metro at 6:30, clearly plans had to be changed)... told smoe not to drive me to pentagon as they start closing streets off early. hopped on metro (along w/ most of the 26,000 other runners) & was off. this year the water didn't run out (last year it was short around mile 6 or 7), & it wasn't as hot.
my dad & i made a better time this year, (last year 1hr 59min, this time 1hr 44min)! which is crazy bc i def didn't train as well as i should've... afterward my dad agreed he'd do it again next
my big (little) day off!!!
i woke up around 7:51am (yea yea the 1st thing i do when i wake up is turn on the news so saw the time). turned around & became jealous b/c smoe looked too peaceful so i started talking to him to wake him up :) (yea yea i'm a jerk)... checked my work email then looked up airline prices, as i was thinkin about going to atl for a friend's baby shower. after watchin a lil tv (mostly saved by the bell & fresh prince) i decided to kick in the productive part of my day off! went through some clothes & picked out what needed to be dry cleaned & what needed to be altered, then we went to the cleaners. the old lady who usually does my alterations said i had beautiful skirts/dresses, yet commented every time i lifted up the bottom to let her know i wanted it to be shorter! "are you sure? this is going to be short" she'd say; "i know" i'd reply as she proceeded to safety pin it up & mark it w/ chalk... my fav piece is a tex mex themed moomoo i bought (you guessed it) from a thrift store over the summer- don't judge me b/c my wardrobe rotation's so great it takes a while to incorporate new clothes : ) it's like easter green shapeless, but has a super colorful collar area. my vision for it is a baby doll dress, so we'll see how it comes out next week when i get alterations back (if i remember i'll take a pic)...
while i was in the back trying on clothes, smoe was across the street waiting for our food from the diner. he then started blowing up my phone bc he didn't see me in the cleaners & saw my car was abandoned & saw a condom in the parking lot so thought the worst... probably something in the neighborhood of kidnapping & rape (oh that smoe & his creative thinking, did most english majors have such thinking??)... i eventually called him back & told him to chill out as i'm in good hands w/ the little old alterations lady! we went home & watched little china, big trouble. kim cattrall looks the exact same! i imagine she's had work done b/c that's absurd for her to age so well... after that we went to sleep again. thus kicking in the relaxation part of the day (does sleep count as relaxing??) smoe had to go to his spanish class (brushing up on it for grad school). i was trying to catch up w/ a friend who's in town but he's staying at the mandarin oriental hotel which is in sw, dc so in addition to traffic, don't feel like looking for parking... we agreed to do lunch & /or happy hour tomorrow.
i'm about to kick in the proactive part of my day & go downstairs to run... speaking of which forgot to do a post, post army 10 miler (stay tuned)
song of the day:
school's out for summer (alice cooper) ... yeaaaaaaaah! this is what my day felt like :)
Monday, October 6, 2008
welcome back welome back welcome back!
"on the docket" there is: guantanamo detainees; crack-powder cocaine disparity; lethal injections; voter id; child pornography; Investor lawsuits; tabacco & whales...fun fun fun
Song o the day:
theme from welcome back kotter ... think i heard there's going to be a remake of this show into a movie & ice cube's gonna be the main character, random yes, but kudos to him for branching out so much since nwa!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
saturday= history & discovery channel
now i'm watchin man vs wild to see how to survive if i was ever stranded in Ireland's "rugged western coast"...
song o the day
do it, do it (cherish) ... i heard it this am in the car & it made me wanna go to ATL :( this song is great & don't think cherish gets enough credit..
Thursday, October 2, 2008
vp debate & sushi!
oh, the folks on stage?? yea so palin's doin better than i expected... biden's debate prep is paying off as his answers are under 30min! random, but did he get botox? why do his eyes/area around his eyes look like that??
ok back to twitter, gotta see what hilarious tweets are there... 2 best tweets i've seen:
- "palin's tan looks great"
- "joe biden's sighs make me want to have relations"
- "there's a lot of mentally ill people right now that think Palin just communicated to them via a series of winks & smiles"
on to the real event of the nite... makin sushi! no not picking it up from wasabi, but yes, yes making it from scratch:
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
joe 6pack & the media cycle
after almost falling asleep, decided to go pay the landlord. he franchises a robecks up the street from our apt, so very convenient; plus i loooove smoothies (2nd fav beverage, after water) so it's great when he makes me a free 1... when i told him it was good chattin w/ him but must get back to watch the news b/c senate approved $700 bill (no longer called a bail out, but a "rescue plan"). he then shook his head & said politics is politics and it's not going to benefit "us" anyway, i agreed, but was tempted to (jokingly) say that palin claims she's here for the average joe 6 packs, so maybe hope isn't lost for "us"... heard some commentator say at the rate the economy's going joe 6 pack may only be able to afford 3, ha!
after switching back & forth from msnbc to fox (i like the differing biases)... a lot of speculation about palin's performance tomorrow nite & showing (good) clips of debates she had running for gov & (not so good) clips from katie couric interview- i.e. she couldn't name a supreme court ruling she disagreed w/; she reads every paper ever; she'll be back right after these messages w/ examples of her running; lastly & possibly most appalling she'd "counsel" girls who are victims of rape and/or incest to choose life, that just doesn't make since to me...
in other news, watchin comedy central now & realized a new season of south park comes on next wednesday!! when did the colbert report get so funny?? if you saw it tonite you'd get the following hilarious quotes: "campbell's gonna make me mmm mmm rich!"; "sarah palin gutted joe biden & wore him like a pants suit"; "one nation under gay-baby"
lastly, for the the 1st time in vibe's history (15 yrs) they're endorsing a candidate: john mccain, ha! jkjk they endorsed obama... ok enough blogging. off to go look over a powerpoint for work. yeaaaaaa for presentations?! surprisingly yea b/c i like practicing my public speaking in front of different audiences. goodnite & goodluck :)
laugh now, cry later... the daily show
argh, i feel blah today. maybe waking up early to work out isn't good for me... ok just looking for a way to get out of that routine, i prob feel frazzled b/c i need to take a break from everything/everybody & try to relax. plus feels weird to be w/o my padgekins (cell phone)...
random, but just heard the risk of being in a car crash goes up on election day, so choose to vote not die & drive safely kids!!!
song o the day:
love of my life (erykah badu ... pretty song, grrrreat video.
you got me (roots feat erykah) ... such a classic song! love questlove's drum semi-solo towards the end.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
paying for good grades??
i agree w/ Mr. Fryer something needs to be done to close the academic gap between white & minority kids, but don't think monetary incentives are the answer... and how did suntrust get the contract to be the bank for the kids' accounts??
also read on my lunch break about the shooting on sunday :( it's crazy b/c we road past it a little after it happened... scary stuff
there should be more than 24hrs in a day... or more than 1 me
just spoke w/ her, smoe, & chic-fil-a to coordinate how i'm going to meet everyone's needs. after 5 minutes of stress, a proposition, a happy greeting from an employee at the chic-fil-a in silver spring, a quick internet search, some chuckles, some giggles, confusion, best buy making a great decision, i've arrived at a plan.
here it goes: i'll meet smoe at metro at 4:30 to get his phone (my cell has been out of commission for weeks!); then he'll go to his spanish class until 9pm... meanwhile i'm not going to my historymakers volunteer meeting at 7:30 (i'll go to the one next week). instead of the meeting i'll run w/ the pg running club at 7, and leave at 8:30ish... meanwhile, roomie's flight gets in from ny around 8, b/c she has a hankering for chic-fil-a she's determined to land, take metro straight to chi-fil-a.... here's the kicker there's 1 me, 1 bobbi (car) & 2 lovely folks which need to be picked up from their designated areas.
songs o' the day:
mother, mother (tracy bonham) ... forgot about this song till i saw it on my bro's book of face profile... gotta love the 90s!
mmm mmm mmm mmm (crash test dummies) ... another great 90s song
Monday, September 29, 2008
Banned Books Week 2008 (Sept 27-Oct 4)
i do want to read 1 on the books off of the list of top 10 banned books in '07 though.
are there really certain issues we should never tackle in print? religion? racism? sexuality? sould books be rated? if yes, how/who regulates books? people are silly & are always going to have a problem w/ something. i've wanted to buy my niece the and tango makes three book for a minute, but not sure if my brother think she may be too young (she's 5 or 6?). in addition to exposing kids to homosexuality, it's dope bc it's based on a true story! think i may just buy it for her for christmas & see what happens :)
sad, but true
quite horrific i know, so naturally you think where does responsibility lie?? schools to check in? where they even enrolled in school? couldn't the "mom" just say she transferred them out? neighbors/neighbors kids?? the "mom"'s friends/family?? did the girls slip through "the system", another blow for the D.C. Child & Family Services as they are still rebounding from the case of 4 dead girls in southeast earlier this year (from the lil bit i know about the agency, their budget is tight & the folks have like 1,000 cases each)!
too many questions not enough answers! all i know is i'm tired of seeing children suffer b/c adults can't get their crap together. not sure if the problem in dc is funds, resources, regulation, etc but come fenty let's get it together & ind the root (i know it's easier said than done, so i apologize for my over simplification)...
on another note, forgot to post this on friday. a story by kathleen parker, a "conservative columnists" suggesting palin step down, as she is "out of her league" .... your thoughts?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
my neck, my back...
my neck, my back... ok more like my right knee & my back.... still sore. it's a beautiful day though so i'll limp and be happy.
sad to report i had a nightmare last nite! didn't know grown ups could still get these... if it makes it any better it was a grown up nightmare though. no, no it wasn't about me not getting a loan for school or my 401k & 1 cent being left in the retirement plan! it was about work though.
had a dream i was at a board meeting for work (i imagine this was december's) & i was presenting survey results when an associate starts freestyling! startled, trustees at the table turn around to find an audience sitting behind us! her rap had good, clean, informative lines b/c the board wasn't upset at all. next a friend of mine from high school gets in on the act & they're going back and forth as the board's eating it up, and i'm left stuck like "huh"? afterward the treasurer of our board comes over to me & says "see, that's what the board wants, to be entertained." i reply "um, that's great but i have 3 more items i want to cover. shall i report them or just write it into the minutes?" to this day i still don't know the answer b/c she made another comment then walked away and i woke up soon after. not sure what that means at all b/c don't have anything planned for monday, so wouldn't be stressed about work... before i went to bed was watching something on tv about fig wasps (nematodes look cool for half a second b/c they're clear but all in all they're disgusting).
random thought o' the day: why do off-brand lucky charms (think they're called magic stars or something) have like a 1:13 marshmallow to oat ratio?? think next time i'll pay more & buy the real thing :)
songs o' the day:hotel california (eagles) ... regardless of what genre of music you're into think you can agree this song is great! maybe?
my neck (khia) ... raunchy? yes, very! but this song is timeless
10k day!
lessons learned: (1)train, train, train; (2) stretch, stretch, stretch; (3) don't go out before a race over 3.2 miles! def shoulda went to bed earlier, but glad i saw smoe's friends, then went to (stood outside) layla lounge & stopped by redhead's bday get together b/c ran into folks i haven't seen in a while. i absolutely adore my friends, they're always up to something fascinating. i.e. redhead's gonna have his name in lights 1 day :); my buddy pedro who works for an embassy in dc was in new york last week for un meetings. i was super jealous until he told me he spent majority of his time in his country's embassy up there, but did have a chance to hear his president speak... apparently some journalists stopped in the lobby & wanted to talk to the president & he replied, you're attractive, africans like attractive females so you should have no problems getting to him... but aparently she never got to speak w/ him.
anywho, the rest of my day flew by as i ran some errands & finally went home bc had a blazing headache.
later met up w/ the 1 & only shrinking violet (her blog). after i picked her up we deemed it "no rules, just right" sunday & were off! i wanted to stop by adams morgan to get something fatty & chocolatey but decided to go thrifting instead, on our way we saw commotion in an alley off of u street (per request we just had to look into the situation)- apparently there was a shooting :(
on our way to the thrift store that didn't exist we passed another 1 & decided to stop there... along the way we had one of our whenever-in town-deep-elitist-mature convos covering essential topics, such as: "why georgia ave looks shady"; "who says 'honky'"; "why 'black parties' run out of liquor, but 'white parties' don't"; "reasons why she shouldn't dress up like a black lady to fit into a halloween party", etc.
my headache from this am is finally gone... probably due in part to the chunky monkey oreo shake i had from silver diner 2 hours ago. goodnite & good luck...
songs o' the day:
romeo (Basement Jaxx) ... another great song is broken dreams (Basement Jaxx) thanks to 1 of my bro's i discovered how awesome this song was and still is years later!!