"What you're about to witness is my thoughts/ Right or wrong/ Just what I was feelin at the time/ You ever felt like this/ Vibe with me" - Jay Z, Ruler's Back
Monday, December 28, 2009
the year 2005...
feb- you tube was launched...where would we be without viral videos??
may 17th- Kuwaiti women are granted the right to vote...nice!
july 6th- 2012 Summer Olympics awarded to London....then criticism came about the graffiti-ish logo, i liked it!
oct 19- trials of Saddam Hussein begin... i knew of him since i was little, but didn't realize how "bad" a guy he was.
nov 30- French Surgeons carry out the first human face transplant...think this was that lady. she looked scary but it's quite a feat
(didn't know this: dec 31- Another second is added, 23:59:60, called a leap second, to end the year 2005. The last time this occurred was on June 30, 1998.)
... and a lot of death and bombs ensued. of course a lot of other stuff happened in '05 but a few things i thought i'd share
Friday, December 25, 2009
"From Viral Video to $30 Million Deal"
apparently fede alvarez, a film producer from uruguay, made the video of robots attacking w/ only $300 (and a year's worth of work), not bad at all! somehow director of spider-man saw this video and offered him $30 milli to do a feature film...can't wait to see what he can do w/ that much money! i've made a mental note to look out for a fede production.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
david simon interview
read interview here
Monday, December 21, 2009
snoop on martha stewart?!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
millie jackson-slow tongue
behind the scenes of the body issue
Friday, December 18, 2009
wayne interview & bedrock
far too many folks on stage but wayne is hot..drake's a close 2nd! (not sure if there's any correlation, but they also have the best verses)
rihanna- so hard commentary
lemme just start by saying i've never been a huge rihanna fan, BUT something about this song i like, when i saw there was a video i thought cool...after seeing it i thought not so much.
not feeling the army theme. don't like the way everyone is becoming more over the top w/ their outfits bc of lady gaga (i only like when she does it). DON'T like the way rihanna's like super sexual in this video....and guess that's all. outside of that it's ok. glad to see she's trying to make a comeback and put the past behind her.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
the monkey
kid cudi- nardwuar interview!!! (& n.e.r.d.)
...and n.e.r.d.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
funny dance & funny vid about nothing
ok so the video IS about something. didn't realize rob made this until i re-read the title...that fact makes it 10 times better :)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
13 Most Ridiculous things about Beyonce’s I am Yours Tour
dame dash...down but NOT out
FRIDAY THE 13th: A NIGHT WITH THE COOL KIDS and MOS DEF from Creative Control on Vimeo.
seems cool, can't wait to see the full thing. god to see dame still reinventing himself/being productive instead of whining about jay z, lyor cohen, etc. love the cool kids so it's good to see they're still around & mos def is looking hot (& like abe lincoln) as always.
side note: it's always weird when i see people doing illegal things on camera (i.e that drummer smoking weed)...does that incriminate him in any way?? i guess we can't prove that he's actually smoking something illegal, so no right? whatevs
i like big butts...
read article & comments here
song o the day: this song used to ANNOY me in my youth bc, well i have a big butt. but i thought it was great when the dancer does the kick to that whipping sound...i've tried to do this move many a time :)
Monday, November 30, 2009
so far so goude
ps- not that it matters but i feel the need to clarify my google imaging of grace....i'm collecting pics for a personal project i'm doing w/ cool women. it started off as me wanting to play around in photoshop to do a andy wharhol type colored 4- square pic consisting of nina simone, kelis, frida kahlo & bettie page. (i'll prob still do that since that's my original idea) but i keep seeing cool images i want to put together into some sort of collage, grace jones' face &/or body being the latest. ok, great... glad we cleared that up.
now off to watch fritz the cat movie bc i have the shoes (yea vans)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
drunk man gets manhandled by police
Thursday, November 19, 2009
surprise your man
after that cyrus found this one...not as funny, more so like a train wreck you can't turn away from:
kid sister: ultraviolet

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
yulia tymoshenko...best hair

dame dash speaks on it...
after watching this i actually like him. prob bc of his graying beard, he's gettnig older. hopefully wiser & more mature :) apparently he loves cam & jim jones (didn't even know they had strife, must look into that when i get home)!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
video phone (remix)
ok maybe i'm being too harsh, so good stuff from the video...her outfits were great! not sure who designed them/who stylist was for video but they did great! (really like the lightening earrings) there were guys (me likes any video w/ cute guys as props). they did 1 of my fav dances, the snap and roll (simple yet effective)!
b is a totally awesome entertainer, but my ONLY prob w/ her is she makes songs for women, videos for men. i like when videos match up somewhat w/ song content. i've seen enough stomach and leotard legs from b for a lifetime...switch it up a bit in 2010 PLEASE!
hilarious snl clip!
hide & seek (the imogen heap song where this is from) actually isn't that good. this part rocks though...the concept is cool though- all acapella w/ a harmonizer. i need to look up what the song even means bc lyrics are pretty dark
Monday, November 16, 2009
new artist: the moldy peaches

forgot i wanted to download the juno soundtrack a looooong time ago...finally took a min to do it. while looking to see which song were on it came to a wikipedia page where it explained how the director of the movie asked the lead actress what type of music juno would listen to. she said moldy peaches. i knew of kimya dawson but didn't know she started out in a band.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
darn you daily beast!
i love lunch!
play like you played yesterday..
hilariously frightening...with a hint of sadness
kanye mention (twice) at cma's
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
'87 was a good year...to punch out!
also, w/o punch out we wouldn't have this wildly entertaining racial slur...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
i want a weezer snuggie
not to be out done...the new snuggie commercial is so absurd it's worth watching!!...apparently snuggies are o great you can wear em to the movies w/o people laughing & throwing popcorn at you. oh & snuggies make you wanna do the cabbage patch & raise the proverbial roof, niiiiiiiiice
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
why oh why
song o the day: why (jadakiss) for obvious reasons
Monday, November 2, 2009
beanie & jay the cartoon
Jay and the Beans Talk from jeff on Vimeo.
national blog posting month...
please note this is my nov 2nd post...i'm done!
song o the day: kept seeing hype on twitter about this video & i see why. it's not bad, like a grown up rap video... "have a baby by me baby be a millionaire" so catchy!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
cold flamez!
Friday, October 30, 2009
hilarious ads: adult hair

got pics thanks to glow marketing blog... an ad campaign from beaners
Saturday, October 24, 2009
the talk of the nite....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
do YOU need chair pants??
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
morehouse changes dress code
just me or does it seem the status updates you don't think folks will comment on they write 50 million things and the stuff you write to spur discussion you don't get a peep?! things that make you go hmmmm
Thursday, October 15, 2009
blackface rears it's ugly head...again

thanks to daily beast i learned french vogue did a spread of dutch supermodel Lara Stone in blackface (that's her to the left with her real skin color). apparently the 14-pg spread is supposed to celebrate her funny teeth & the fact that she's not super skinny (read another article that said she's a size 4...so she's not anorexic, but she's still pretty skinny)...wonder if in the hours of putting makeup on her to brown her up if anybody thought, jeez, we coulda just hired someone this color!...THE QUESTION REMAINS IS IT ART OR DISRESPECT?? i think the latter. especially since there are so many black models that are never even given a shot bc of their color, body, etc.
the daily beast article here
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
sxsw timelapse!!!!...
soooooo ready to go to sxsw this year!!! looking at this video makes me hype to see what it's really like in person....
Thursday, October 8, 2009
new artist: emmanuel jal

2009 US Pole Dance Federation Championship
so in stlye black barbies & blackface
neither here nor there that these dolls were created by an est. barbie designer, who happenes to be a black mom looking to do something for her daughter and lil girls in her community. but i REALLY don't see how these are offensive...and who gave em the name of "hip hop barbies"?? each s.i.s. has a well thought out back story & they come w/ politically correct barbie accessories (i.e. artsy stuff, cheerleading stuff, a friggin violin)
click here to go to barbies site for the new line
if you want to see offensive, let's speak on the australian show, hey hey's jackson jive skit?! i know it was a special reunion show, it was a half hearted tribute, the guys in black face were from diverse backgrounds, it was a satire & money went to charity, but come on! black face will never be funny to me...the dicussion on bbc today was if people take race too seriously & if we should lighten up and be able to poke fun at it. i REALLY feel like before we have more of a "sense of humor" about race, we need to understand and have a serious talk about race relations. we never talk about race UNTIL an incident pops up (i.e. "kramer" & the n word, skip gates beer gate).
note to self: find out what book was in the post a few weeks ago talkign about how white people race their kids to be colorblind to race, which isn't good bc it's kinda like a denial!
i end with this very serious piece on black people & white people:
(nope i don't smoke weed & this actually wasn't the skit i was lookin for but it'll do until i can find that 1)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
JEREMY SCOTT web video thingy... Dir. NABIL from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.
death of emo haircut
Monday, October 5, 2009
new artist: Tim William

new artist: big sean

Friday, October 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Open Letter To Young Warriors In Chicago by NAS
Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong wars! Killing each other is definitely played out. Being hurt from the lost of a love one was never cool.
Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong war! I know that feeling, that frustration with life and needing to take it out on someone, any one. But....
We chose the dumbest things to go the hardest for. I remember seeing deaths over 8 ball jackets, Fila sneakers, and name plate chains. Deaths over "he say, she say"!!!!! "I'm from this block or I'm from that block", or "my moms n pops is f*cked up now the whole world gotta pay"!!!
I remember feeling like I was the hardest "n*gga" breathing. And I couldn't wait to prove it. But let's think. What are we really proving?? And proving what to who?? Everybody knows Chicago breeds the strongest of the strong but I just feel, me, being ya brother from another state feels your pain as if I grew up with you in ya very own household.
You have the ability and mindpower to change they way we are looked at. Look who's watching us young warriors, look who's throwing us in jail constantly, look at the ignorance in the world. Look at the racist dogs who love to see us down. Loving to bury us in the ground or in jail where we continue this worthless war on one another.
Young warriors.... We are WASTING more and more time. We gotta get on our jobs and take over the world. Cuz this movie left the theaters years ago, Juice, Menace, Boys n the Hood , Blood n Blood Out, Belly!
When we see each other why do we see hatred? Why were we born in a storm, born soldiers, WARRIORS....and instead of building each other up we are at war with each other.. May the soul of this young person find peace with the almighty. I'm with you young warriors. You're me and I'm you. But trust me! you are fighting the wrong war.
This sh*t sucks!!
the back up!
Monday, September 28, 2009
another concert i'm mad i missed
Kanye,Ludacris,Nas,Roots,Mos Def,Talib join Common in LA 9/26/09
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
new artist: ester dean

again may not be new to some, but new to me... apparently she's signed to polow's label & "teyana taylor helped develop her"..not sure how true the last statement is though...apparently her "people have gone through great lengths to hide her face". very weird bc tried to google image her & all i found was the above pic...she looks pretty normal in her 1st single video here, so not sure why the enigma:
also good to see chris breezy coming back strong. plus this reminds me of those 90s vids when there used to be a lot of cameos.
here is a cute intro video on who she is...again w/ the cameos
according to her myspace she has an interesting writing past including, but not limited to:
Mya – Ridin’
Teyana Taylor – Google Me
Girlicious – Like Me
Girlicious – My Boo
Girlicious – It’s Mine
Pussycat Dolls – Whatcha Think About That
Pussycat Dolls – Jai Ho
Pussycat Dolls – Bad Girl (Confessions of a Shopaholic soundtrack)
Trey Songz – Takes Time (Confessions of a Shopaholic soundtrack)
Keyshia Cole – Make Me Over
Ciara – Never Ever
Keri Hilson feat. Akon – Change Me
Keri Hilson – Make Love
Esmee Denters – Outta Here
Mary J. Blige – Stronger (More than a Game soundtrack)
Mary J. Blige – The One (AT&T campaign)
Flo-Rida feat. Nelly Furtado – Jump (G-Force soundtrack)
Paradiso Girls – Patron Tequila
TI feat. Mary J. Blige – Remember Me
Monday, September 14, 2009
i steal fodder from twitter

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
no mas
Sunday, August 30, 2009
i hate laundry too
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
"Bowser & His Minions"
infomercials...nuff said
doc bottom aspray:
tiddy bear:
Sunday, August 23, 2009
could never be a politician's wife
fyi couldn't be the wife of ANY profession where you have to skin & grin (i.e. pastor/preacher, military, famous folks, etc)...i like the path i'm on by keeping it oprah & stedman like. so looking like i'm not going to be anybody's wife, so i guess this post is moot :)
"happiest turtle ever"
Happiest Turtle Ever from Henrik Edelbring on Vimeo.
the Jamaican Broadcasting Commission took the unprecedented step of banning all songs with explicit sexual content from radio and television, as well as songs that glorify gun violence, murder, rape or arson. The ban is absolute, meaning that such songs can no longer be aired as “clean” versions that make use of “bleeping.”
here's an old article with more detail
Saturday, August 22, 2009
new artist: sweet rush (aka sugarush)

random blog post about them
sidenote: apparently last year there was a small issue over big hair. t.t. wanted answers on the hair style they choose

song o the day: hot sauce & let it go
girl crush: teyana taylor

(i feel like such a groupie)... ever since i saw her sweet 16 episode i'm STILL trying to figure out who her parents are... here's her wikipedia page (they don't mention her folks)
i think her big facial features make her look a lil bit older, bc she's only 18. did i mention her style is magnificent? oh & she's a DANCER!! she was in jay's blue magic video & choreographed beyonce's ring the alarm video

Teyana Taylor Google Me baby smartenupnas.com
Uploaded by copper_shots. - Watch more music videos, in HD!
tt rules, nuff said :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Jay-Z f. Rihanna & Kanye- Run This Town
fav part of the video (& song) remains mr west. enjoy:
new artist: the bots

saw their video on current-music & thought it was adooooooraaaaable! these 2 are brothers (anaiah, 12 on left & mikaiah, 16 on right) from glendale, ca. the vocals are ok (think mikaiah), he's amazing on guitar though. the drummer (think its anaiah) is killer! they sound like a baby offspring to me :)

(sidenote: not to be confused w/ the other bots.)
their website is super cute too. i'm also a fat girl so anything with doughnuts= good to me! this typewriter monster bot is from their site too. click here to see it
i like turtles tooo
Most Insightful Interview Ever - Watch more Funny Videos
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
whatevs wednesday!
Stalin is back for another appearance today. Day starts like this: 8:32 am “Is Queshia out today?” Me: “no.” Stalin: “Well, it’s after 8:30 am” Me: “OK (stare blankly back)” Stalin: “This is becoming the norm” Me: “(very irritatedly)No.. she has be...en here on time” Stalin:"First was Mon or was it Tues.” At this point I just stare blankly back.. No expression,no words. Jackass. Go do something constructive...
...and scene! with this we dubbed it "whatever wednesday"...gave it a hashtag & tried to make it trendy (pun) on twitter, but itnever caught on... oh well, there's always next week!
in other news, smoe found a spot in west harlem he liked (and fit the budget) so yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah 4 him :) sucks his departure is getting closer, but he'll be back- he'll visit dc more than i visit up there actually. not me making selfish demands, but to visit his fam & friends too.
Monday, August 17, 2009
mike vick's interview on 60 minutes
though he said he "cried in prison because of the guilt he felt about being involved in dogfighting" it didn't look or feel/sound sincere at all! can't really be mad at him bc he knows he needs to do something to start cleaning up his image/rep to help the eagles not take too much crap this nfl season.
Watch CBS Videos Online
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Happy Left-Handers’ Day
anywho, thank you twitter for giving me yet another reason why i'm thankful you were created :)
here's a cool article, as sorta an homage to lefties... a lefty dad's perspective on the "condition"
lastly, for more southpaw info, here' a Left-Handers’ Day site
...after all the hype i wish i was left handed now...yea its difficult, but it's like a secret club or somethin!
song o the day: i'm good (clipse feat pharrell)...point blank this song rocks! while listening to clipse last nite couldn't decide if i liked them or just their beats. they always work w/ neptunes and i love beats so naturally i like their songs. haven't actually listened closely to their words to see if they're decent lyricist...guess they have to be though?!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
totally 80s... totally awesome
anywho so after listening to the cobra theme like 5 times in a row (COOOOOBRAAAAAAAAAAA) i came across this video of top 10 cartoon theme songs from the 80's. anytime "80s" shows up anywhere, i'm on it, so clicked on it & it was cool. i only knew like 2 of the songs/themes, but i just appreciate the fact that someone took the time to put this together...
song o the day: my fav song from the top 10 video would have to be, not #1, but jem. she rocks & she's "truly outrageous":
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
note to self...sci fi
50 Essential Sci-Fi Films from Time Out London
haven't gone through the whole list, yet but judging by some of the nasty comments left from people my hope aren’t high! plus apparently they left blade runner out!