i've always said if i was white i'd be a redhead. not sure why, but it just seems right :) so i was thrilled to hear (literally b/c i was listening to talk radio) about an exhibit dedicated to "gingerism". it's called root ginger: a study of red hair by jenny wicks.it's in london so i won't be
going, but seems really cool! (pic courtesy of Lucie Wicks, © Jenny Wicks, Root Ginger at Idea Generation Gallery)
going, but seems really cool! (pic courtesy of Lucie Wicks, © Jenny Wicks, Root Ginger at Idea Generation Gallery)
as a black woman, i truly value my natural hair (though i dislike having to do it) as it makes me feel connected to my ancestors. i made the choice a few years ago when i decided i’d rather leave it alone than to manipulate its state through perming, coloring, etc. whether it’s in

so again won't be going to london to see wick's exhibit open next month & it turns out i'm also not going to peru. peru? yes yes random i know, but a friend told me about a $400 roundtrip special to peru so we were gonna do it b/c .well, it's cheap! i was gun ho until yesterday when i was laying around watching the news & saw ALL of the layoffs happening... then i felt guilty for traveling around while families/individuals were struggling in these "hard economic times". so i made the (responsible?) choice, went w/ my gut & decided not to go. i'm not hurt b/c peru wasn't on my list of places to go (though it does seem like an interesting place & now it is on my list), plus i'll be in south america next month so no biggie! plus my savings account thanks me :)
in honor of some 60,000 jobs being cut across the U.S. i offer my prayers & some inspiration from the Evans family...
song o the day: good times intro. don't like what the video is called in you tube (partially b/c i don't like the word "ghetto" & partially bc it seems unecessary), but still a great song & a darn good show. i used to wanna be thelma or willona, not so much florida (but esther rolle is awesome). exhibit a of how awesome she is: damn daaaamn daaaaaaamn. oh the drama, i felt that, did you? you could cut the tension w/ a knife :)
1 comment:
We've got an interview lined up with Jenny Wicks - please let us know any questions you'd like us to ask her by posting them here:
Root Ginger Exhibition Questions for Jenny Wicks
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