Monday, July 6, 2009

on the road again.....

So on a train from trenton (went to see trebypb thunder minor league baseball game for work) to DC.came back from LA at 11:35am. Just enough time to go to smoe's house, take an hour nap. Get dressed & catch 3pm train to trenton!

LA was very cool! Not exactly what I had planned (i.e. Being a super duper tourist & having Brent take time to show me around), but fun. Instead I helped him set up for his masquerade party...which I actually didn't mind! I felt all blue colar, like I was doing my manual laborish part in society :)

I'll put pics of the actual party & the hardwork he & his fam bam put in soon, stay tuned...

Must put down phone so I can braid hair & listen to music then take a nap before getting in at 1:30am :(

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